Mediation is a way of resolving disputes by having an independent third party (the mediator) assisting the parties to reach a settlement to their dispute. This can avoid having the matter decided by the Courts.
Geoffrey Greenhouse is an accredited and registered mediator with the Center for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) and the Civil Mediation Council (CMC). He is a panel member for CEDR and has mediated regularly for more than 15 years having been trained at CEDR and Harvard Law School. He is known for mediating probate and trust disputes.
Geoffrey specialises in mediating disputes where there are highly emotive issues, particularly where parties might have had and continue to have an ongoing family or business relationship. His areas of mediation expertise include probate, trust and charity disputes.
Family disputes and disagreements relating to the Court of Protection and Probate and Trusts are particularly suitable for mediation and the settlement rate is surprisingly high.
Geoffrey is on the panel of mediators for the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), which is probably the leading dispute resolution dispute organisation in the United Kingdom.
Involvement with Mediation Development
European Commission Brussels; Geoffrey represented the Law Society on the development of alternative dispute resolution in the E.C.
He has taught ADR techniques and principles to solicitors and barristers.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Psychological Bars to Settlement. Paper presented to the CEDR.
Keeping the relationship alive – inter-family disputes: Paper presented to the CEDR Forum.
Commercial ADR: Contributor “Trust and Probate Disputes” published by Sweet & Maxwell 2001.
Civil Mediation Council (CMC)
Panel member of mediators for CEDR
Member of the Law Society Committee on ADR (1999 to 2009)
“He was terribly good. It was a really difficult mediation because it was a really nasty family dispute.”
— Estranged Daughter and Parents